Friday, February 24, 2006

A message from the Corporal, by way of the Minx

Corporal Kickyourass, bless his Canadian cotton socks (the ones with little maple leaves dancing decoratively around the toe area) has asked me to post something for him. Since he offered me oral sex behind the bike sheds to do this for him, I felt it would be rude to refuse. Ahem.

Voltaire said:

"I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

That always has rung true with me -- whether I speak as the Minx here, or the Minx in the real world. It is a passionately and deeply held belief of mine. [And it sets the tone to something far more serious than my facetious (but ever-hopeful) quip about oral sex.]

To cut a long story short, the Corporal posted something on Curbed Enthusiasm that dealt with some very contentious subject matter, in his inimitable and irreverent fashion. As a result of this, a work colleague of the Corp's had his blog hacked and neutered. The Corp, with his uncanny skill for detective work, found the culprit, and the techie geek who had been bribed or conned into doing the hacking.

Here is a quote from the post:

Invasion of Privacy, Breach of Con­fid­en­ti­al­ity, In­tel­lec­tu­al Property Theft, and In­fringe­ment of In­tel­lec­tu­al Property rights. Want to go another round, you rotten bitch?

The hacker was a tech geek, who had been asked by an offended co-worker to stop my site. Apparently, I was spreading hate. I would never be daft enough to read something online, then complain about it. Unless of course the material was obscene, and made victims of children. We are, for the most part, adults. And, we can very easily navigate to the next page. Those of you who are easily offended should use this opportunity to navigate now.

Read the rest of the post here.

The point of bringing this to your attention is the fact that not all hackers are anonymous -- although they will probably try to be at first. Sometimes, this repulsive and repugnant behaviour can be found no further away than our own front doorstep.

The initial post, that caused all the furor, is referenced from the full length version of his latest offering.

It doesn't matter what you feel about the issue described in the post. I have no doubt that many of you may not agree with the Corporal's viewpoint. However, as a community -- which is what I truly understand "Stop Internet Censorship" to represent -- each and every one of us knows that there are people out there who disagree with our fundamental right to speak, write, publish... exist. And since, unfortunately, censorship fails to be restricted by the sex or porn boundary, we therefore have a duty to add our voices to the fight for the right for speech to remain open and free. Remember Pastor Neimuller? ("First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew...")

To quote the Corporal again:

I never have, nor will I ever, shy away from an opinion because it might offend someone. Nobody should, for that matter. That's what free speech is about.


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