Sunday, March 19, 2006

Technorati Issues?

I posted early today about problems I've had with Technorati. Several people, including members of SIC, said that they also have had issues with them too.

Lena offered in the comments of my post to say something to her top-secret Technorati contact, whom she has evidently won over with her feminine wiles.

If you leave a message here or email me, I'll pass along a list of those of us who have Technorati issues, ok?

And will someone please invite Lena to SIC?

Thank you!


Blogger Miss Syl Had this to say...


You can use my comments from your original post--or you can use this.

Basically, mine updates, but not regularly. It will go days, or sometimes weeks, before registering that I've updated. Right now it's saying I've updated 11 days ago, and I've put up at least 10 posts since then.

I'm wondering if either our propensity for using sex-related terms or the constant Sugasm cross-linking is possibly making us come up as "potential spam" on their system, as Lena suggests.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Aragorn Had this to say...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:19 AM  
Blogger Aragorn Had this to say...

YEs, please, also invite Alex from Alex & Suze, as they have started a very useful initiative against post theft

4:25 AM  
Blogger Pornster Had this to say...

Well, yes, I have technorati issues, too.

The spider has not crawled my site since about 80 days. Then I deleted the claim and tried to claim it again, and guess what - the blog is stated to be unclaimable.

Any help would be appreciated.

8:39 AM  

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