Thanks a freakin' bundle for the support, Blogger.
I just went to EOTOS to publish a new and quite deliciously salacious post. (Rawr). Suddenly I noticed this, below the Compose box:

My initial reaction was, quite understandably, WTF????
So I clicked the little Help icon, next to the word 'Verification', and was provided with a pop-up, the title of which was "Blogger: Emerging on the other side...: Blog Locked".
It proclaimed the following:
Your blog requires word verification
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive. [Minx's italics, accompanied by a roll of her eyes and an obscene finger gesture.]
Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review.
Find out more about how Blogger is fighting spam blogs.
Remove word verification from posts
Word Verification: Type the characters you see in the picture below.
[Predictable word verification exercise]
Email Address: [provided]
We'll contact you after we review your blog.
[Send Request button]
Already angered, I clicked Send Request, and was directed to this link:
I'm sorry... what???
I write for my own enjoyment and soul satisfaction. I write about my life, I write about sex, I write erotica, and I write other posts that have nothing to do with either. I do not write spam. I do not condone spam. I hate and abhor spam.
I do not write or perpetuate spam or hacking or anything similar, as you all well know, and is self-evident by my inclusion as a member of this blog.
But according to Blogger's algorithms, my blog has been classed (albeit temporarily) as a "Spam" blog. Because, you know, Blogger knows this shit. Blogger is the world authority. Blogger is capable of preventing mass hacking into peoples' blogs, and interference in bloggers' freedom to write as and what and when they wish.
To which my reply is obscene in the extreme, and deservedly so.
This angers me intensely. Precisely because it is the same kind of illiterate, knee-jerk moralising crap against which we, who unite here, stand.
I quote Holiday, in his eloquent and articulate response to his hacking experience:
"The responsibility of artists, and writers top the list in my estimation, is to offer insights and empathy about the human condition. No mob is more dangerous than the moralistic mob, and so freedom of speech is indispensable."
I quote W. S. Cross, in her post on this blog only a few short days ago:
"'s a serious subject, especially in a political climate that equates dissent with treason. As President Bush has already stated, he believes the war on terrorism will allow him to trample civil liberties, and ignore the law. Should the administration decide that sexual freedom is a "threat" to core American values, then the current background campaign against sex sites will expand to a full attack..."
I presume that I'm not alone in this. I last posted the day before yesterday, with no such restriction. Although, yesterday when I logged into Blogger, I noticed an option entitled "Skip Authentication".
Well that's a good plan.
Why don't you come out and say it loud and proud, Blogger? A blog that discusses sex is on a par with spam, and is considered as low, meaningless and harmful as such.
Please do not misunderstand me for a second. I am completely and wholeheartedly against the hacking of innocent blogs. I do believe that Blogger should change their security measures, and if this helps stop a blog from being hacked, then that's great.
But to place a moral value judgment on me or anyone else because some stupid naive asswipe jerkoff of a developer at Blogger thinks that the words "fuck" or "orgasm" or "penis" can only mean spam?? Nuh-uh, guys, Not acceptable. I fart in your general direction.
Frankly, I'm all for moving to TypePad. Any advice on how to do that and retain my gorgeous sexy template can be emailed to me at minxy dot grin at gmail dot com.
Thanks a freakin' bundle for the support, Blogger. Now kiss my ass.
Your thoughts and comments welcome. Just give me five minutes to cool down.

My initial reaction was, quite understandably, WTF????
So I clicked the little Help icon, next to the word 'Verification', and was provided with a pop-up, the title of which was "Blogger: Emerging on the other side...: Blog Locked".
It proclaimed the following:
Your blog requires word verification
Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive. [Minx's italics, accompanied by a roll of her eyes and an obscene finger gesture.]
Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review.
Find out more about how Blogger is fighting spam blogs.
Remove word verification from posts
Word Verification: Type the characters you see in the picture below.
[Predictable word verification exercise]
Email Address: [provided]
We'll contact you after we review your blog.
[Send Request button]
Already angered, I clicked Send Request, and was directed to this link:
I'm sorry... what???
I write for my own enjoyment and soul satisfaction. I write about my life, I write about sex, I write erotica, and I write other posts that have nothing to do with either. I do not write spam. I do not condone spam. I hate and abhor spam.
I do not write or perpetuate spam or hacking or anything similar, as you all well know, and is self-evident by my inclusion as a member of this blog.
But according to Blogger's algorithms, my blog has been classed (albeit temporarily) as a "Spam" blog. Because, you know, Blogger knows this shit. Blogger is the world authority. Blogger is capable of preventing mass hacking into peoples' blogs, and interference in bloggers' freedom to write as and what and when they wish.
To which my reply is obscene in the extreme, and deservedly so.
This angers me intensely. Precisely because it is the same kind of illiterate, knee-jerk moralising crap against which we, who unite here, stand.
I quote Holiday, in his eloquent and articulate response to his hacking experience:
"The responsibility of artists, and writers top the list in my estimation, is to offer insights and empathy about the human condition. No mob is more dangerous than the moralistic mob, and so freedom of speech is indispensable."
I quote W. S. Cross, in her post on this blog only a few short days ago:
"'s a serious subject, especially in a political climate that equates dissent with treason. As President Bush has already stated, he believes the war on terrorism will allow him to trample civil liberties, and ignore the law. Should the administration decide that sexual freedom is a "threat" to core American values, then the current background campaign against sex sites will expand to a full attack..."
I presume that I'm not alone in this. I last posted the day before yesterday, with no such restriction. Although, yesterday when I logged into Blogger, I noticed an option entitled "Skip Authentication".
Well that's a good plan.
Why don't you come out and say it loud and proud, Blogger? A blog that discusses sex is on a par with spam, and is considered as low, meaningless and harmful as such.
Please do not misunderstand me for a second. I am completely and wholeheartedly against the hacking of innocent blogs. I do believe that Blogger should change their security measures, and if this helps stop a blog from being hacked, then that's great.
But to place a moral value judgment on me or anyone else because some stupid naive asswipe jerkoff of a developer at Blogger thinks that the words "fuck" or "orgasm" or "penis" can only mean spam?? Nuh-uh, guys, Not acceptable. I fart in your general direction.
Frankly, I'm all for moving to TypePad. Any advice on how to do that and retain my gorgeous sexy template can be emailed to me at minxy dot grin at gmail dot com.
Thanks a freakin' bundle for the support, Blogger. Now kiss my ass.
Your thoughts and comments welcome. Just give me five minutes to cool down.
Minxy, I emailed you. That sucks!! I suspect it has more to do with all Blogger's spam troubles than your content--I hope so anyway.
Keeping my fingers crossed that they get back to you soon--
Thank you all for the support. Your words are most comforting, truly. O, you are a star. Maiden, you are such a sweetheart, i'm so flattered. I am, really. And ELF, you just made me laugh until i almost peed.
Heh heh heh.
And just to clarify: when i say it to y'all, i actually mean it.
When i say it to Blogger, i actually mean: bite me, fuckers.
La Minxxxxxxxx
If Minx got tripped up over the Sugasm posts, how come the rest of us Sugasm-ers haven't?
Is it just a matter of time?
Sorry, Minx, for your troubles. Their customer support is appalling.
I went through this with the Carnival. If you click on the ?/Help thingy, you can write them a request to review your blog and then they take it off.
Each time I posted and got the word verification I wrote them. Took about 2-3 days.
This has been around for a few months and seems to be their way of trying to deal with the splogs.
Thanks for quoting me. While Bush exerts control over the American government, this is a good time to live outside the United States.
Blogger is free, and that's why I use it. Guilty. I do cheap fairly easy.
I suspect there are numerous problems with Blogger security, just as there is with some basic MSN offerings.
As for a weakness caused by Sam Sugar's weekly anthology ... well, who knows? I've been a regular contributor for at least two months and have never encountered hacking problems as a result.
Regrettably, I think identity theft is now part of the internet landscape.
"Nuh-uh, guys, Not acceptable. I fart in your general direction."
I love you Minx!
God, how I love you.
Now I need to get off of the floor.
You have knocked me for a loop - as always!
AAG -- This was one of the reasons i posted my rant, instead of just banging my head against a wall and howling. I wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this.
ANd it worked -- thank you Viviane! I did send a request yesterday, i'll try again today.
Jeff honey, thanks for your valuable insight as always. I must confess that prior to this incident, and the whole hacking malarky, i really had nothing bad to say about Blogger.
I have cooled down now, and am not planning on moving anywhere. Yet. But once again, i thank you all for your support and advice.
Your majesty -- sorry, didn't see you there, i think we comented simultaneously.
I love you too. I am not worthy...
*Bow, scrape, kowtow*
I agree with Jeff, and think it's unlikely the content had anything to do with it, but actually a more technical fubar that the web locked onto.
Personally, I turned the Word Verification on purposefully. The fact is, I'd seen far too many blogs getting spammed and didn't want to see all my work get marred by stupidity like that. I get a few hundred posts a day, and never any spam. I also use the anti-spam email code that changes the "@" sign in the template, but reverts to an "@" for anyone legitimately trying to contact me. I've been happy with it.
But Blogger's pissing me off for a WORLD of other reasons, though. :)
The Cunt.
Well for whatever reason, i just found the following in my inbox:
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and whitelisted so that it will no longer appear as potential spam... Thanks for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
I'd really like to think it was a fubar. At least we know that it's easily rectifiable if it happens to anyone else. I guess i was just a bit edgy after the events of the last few days, and was concerned that it might be a sex-blog-wide disease.
Thanks for all the support and tips, guys.
La Minxxxxxxxxxx
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