Introduction/Thank You

During the day I am a mid-career System Administrator and Information Security Professional. However, most days it seems my “real job” starts when I get home from work and I sit down at my PC to work on my writings and bloggings.
As a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation I am against censorship on the Internet. I also believe in that the ability of persons to conceal their identity should be protected.
As a member of the Erotica Readers and Writers Association, I want to be able to promote and post what I write on the Internet without fear of reprisal from the far right.
As a Republican, I support my President. I have done work as a military contractor in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and I support the Global War on Terror.However, that being said, there are some kinds of speech which I do not feel should be protected. Those sites that promote hate, racism, bigotry, or are designed to slander or to do financial harm to others should not be tolerated.
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