Sunday, January 01, 2006


SIC - Stop Internet Censorship is intended as an open forum and resource to asist Bloggers in defending their rights. It is the stated intention of this site and all its contributors to provide assistance, guidance and support to any Blogger that feels their rights have been, or may be violated. All of the SIC contributors believe in open and free speech and the rights and responsibilities that come with those rights. Furthermore we believe that bloggers should be able to express those rights freely and without fear of persecution, openly or anonymously, so long as that expression does not harm or violate others rights.

SIC is open to any current blogger regardless of platform, length of blogging, or subject matter. Contributors will be expected to conduct themselves according to SIC guidelines and can be subject to censor or removal, by a majority vote of contributors, should they fail to do so. Such censor or removal is not subject to appeal and the ruling of such a majority is final.

Please contact either O, Demon Queen or ArtfulDodger (The SIC Administrators) to request contributor status.


Anonymous Caiden Had this to say...

Much appreciate you sharing this.

7:38 AM  

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